Marine Fisheries Section Special Publication 1.
Beverton Lecture Notes I: Notes on the Use of Theoretical Models in the Study of the Dynamics of Exploited Fish Populations
By R.J.H. Beverton
This book was developed from a series of lectures from a course taught by Professor Beverton in Beaufort, NC, in 1951, and was published by the AFS Marine Fisheries Section in association with his tour of NMFS laboratories in May 1994.
Cost: Reduced to $5
Marine Fisheries Section Special Publication 2.
Beverton Lecture Notes II. The Raymond J. H. Beverton Lectures at Woods Hole, Massachusetts (161 pages)
Edited by E. D. Anderson
In May 2-3, 1994, Ray Beverton presented a series of lectures at facilities of NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in Woods Hole, MA; Seattle, WA; Auke Bay and Juneau, AK; La Jolla, CA; Beaufort, NC; and Silver Spring, MD. The three lectures he gave in Woods Hole were videotaped, and have been transcribed and edited in this volume. These lectures are as follows:
- Man or nature in fisheries dynamics: who calls the tune?
- Fish populations biology and fisheries research
- Reflections on 100 years of fisheries research
Cost: Reduced to $25 (hard bound in dark blue imitation leather with gold-colored lettering) …only 1 copy left, so perhaps contact Doug before sending in any payment…but contact him soon!
To order:
Send US funds payable to: Marine Fisheries Section AFS
C/O Douglas Vaughan, 214 Shell Landing Road,
Beaufort, NC 28516
Ph. 252-728-5259
Email: [email protected]
SALE: Both volumes for $25
For orders from Hawaii, Alaska, and outside the US please include an additional $5.00 for shipping.