Highlights of Fisheries Magazine – November 2014
Our Special Aquaculture-Themed Issue!
In this Issue:
Aquaculture and the Science–Policy Continuum
- Putting the Red Back in Redfish Lake, 20 Years of Progress Toward Saving the Pacific Northwest’s Most Endangered Salmon Population
Paul A. Kline and Thomas A. Flagg - SPANISH ABSTRACT: Poniendo al lomo rojo de vuelta en el Lago Redfish, veinte años de progreso en el salvamento de la población de salmón más amenazada del noroeste
- U.S. Response to a Report of Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus in Western North America
Kevin H. Amos, Lori Gustafson, Janet Warg, Janet Whaley, Maureen Purcell, Jill Rolland, James Winton, Kevin Snekvik, Theodore Meyers, Bruce Stewart, John Kerwin, Marilyn Blair, Joel Bader, and Joy Evered - SPANISH ABSTRACT: Respuesta de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica a un reporte de virus de anemia infecciosa en salmones en el oeste de Norteamérica
- Environmental Performance of Marine Net-Pen Aquaculture in the United States
- SPANISH ABSTRACT: Desempeño ambiental de la acuacultura marina con jaulas de red en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica
Michael B. Rust, Kevin H. Amos, April L. Bagwill, Walton W. Dickhoff, Lorenzo M. Juarez, Carol S. Price, James A. Morris, Jr., and Michael C. Rubino - Managing Expectations for Aquaponics in the Classroom: Enhancing Academic Learning and Teaching an Appreciation for Aquatic Resources
Emily R. Hart, James B. Webb, Craig Hollingsworth, and Andy J. Danylchuk - SPANISH ABSTRACT: Gestionando las expectativas de la acuaponia en el salón de clases: mejorar la apreciación de los recursos acuáticos en el aprendizaje y docencia académica
- Fish In, Fish Out: Perception of Sustainability and Contribution to Public Health
Oleksandr A. Byelashov and Mark E. Griffin - SPANISH ABSTRACT: Más pescado, menos pescado: percepción de la sustentabilidad y contribución a la salud pública EXTRAS
- Aquaculture and Louisiana Fisheries: Innovative Oil Spill Rehabilitation Efforts
Craig Gothreaux and Patrick Banks - Hatcheries and Harvest: Meeting Treaty Obligations Through Artificial Propagation
Carlos Smith - Aquaculture 101 or…Random Thoughts on Aquaculture
Andrew Fayram - AFS Completes Assessment, Issues New Guidance Regarding Hatchery Operation and the Use of Hatchery-Origin Fish
Jesse Trushenski, Lee Blankenship, Jim Bowker, Tom Flagg, Jay Hesse, Ken Leber, Kai Lorenzen, Don MacKinlay, Des Maynard, Christine Moffitt, Vince Mudrak, Kim Scribner, Scott Stuewe, John Sweka, Gary Whelan, and Connie Young-Dubovsky - HSRG issues new report, “On the Science of Hatcheries…”
- Perspectives from the Fish Health Section In Response–Peer Commentary on Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus Paper
Paul Hershberger - Perspectives from the Canadian Aquatic Resources Section Canadian Aquaculture News: Grant to Study the Value of Incorporating Wild Salmon Genes into an Organic Aquaculture Industry Partner’s Practice
Trevor E. Pitcher - Perspectives from the Student Subsection and Education Section In Response–The Use of Aquaponics in the Classroom
Daniel J. Dembkowski, Landon L. Pierce, and Craig P. Paukert - Perspectives from International Fisheries Section Members Blue Growth: The 2014 FAO State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture
Christine M. Moffitt and Lubia Cajas-Cano - Perspectives from International Fisheries Section Members Current State of Aquaculture in México
Felipe Amezcua and Martin F. Soto - Perspectives from the Socioeconomics Section The Role of Hatcheries in Ensuring Social and Economic Benefits of Fisheries in the United States
Tom Lang - Perspectives from the Water Quality Section Aquaculture and Water Quality Management in the United States
Yushun Chen, Jesse T. Trushenski, and Margaret H. Murphy - Perspectives from an AFS Marine Fisheries Section Member Offshore Aquaculture Regulations Under the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management Act
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